Hey! So glad you could stop by! I have so many things to share with you! Let me just start by saying that I have Lupus, but it doesn’t have me! I am happily married with 3 beautiful children. I have been taking pictures since... forever. I am completely immersed in photography! So much so, that I almost named my daughter Leica! *smile*

As a completely self-taught shutterbug, I am constantly studying and practicing new techniques.... like, seriously! Please click on the links near the bottom of this page to go to my galleries and blog. Of course I have Twitter and Facebook profiles as well. The Social Media Stratosphere is ablaze with LucyLovesBetty! You can find almost all of the profiles that mark my presence on the web on my links page. How did we ever get along without Social Media?!? Ugh! *smile* Did I mention that I’m addicted to Instagram?!? Like, totally obsessed!!

Back to the business of photography. Don’t forget to visit my Designer Portrait Schedule, which should offer a little insight into what I shoot if you don’t already know.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Lenette ;)

African American Polish Princess

My personal blog. Warning: There is some painful stuff on here.

LucyLovesBetty™ Photography

All of my galleries can be found here. I literally have tens of thousands of pics. Check em out! Some galleries are password-protected per clients’ request, so please don’t email me asking for a password.

You may follow me on Twitter: @LucyLoveBetty

“If Only Closed Minds came with Closed Mouths.”